Thursday, February 19, 2009

Not really much to say! I'm Grateful!

I haven't posted lately because not much has been going on. I just wanted to say how grateful I am for a beautiful and healthy family. I know of some acquaintances that have cancer or have died of cancer. I feel so helpless for them, but I know that miracles do happen. As many of you know we have a lot of Cancer in Doug's family. His father died of cancer after a 10 year courageous battle. He didn't have it for all ten years, he was mostly in remission, but he was so strong. He was such a great example of faith to all of us. Doug's brother, Rick, is currently in remission from Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. We are so glad he is doing well. I guess my point is that I so admire these brave individuals. It's a tough road! It also makes you grateful for the little bumps in the road that make us stronger. One of my favorite quotes comes from Victor E. Frankel(a holocaust survivor), "that which does not kill us makes us stronger." Even though cancer may be the end of the road for some, like my father in law, these people have touched our lives and made us better! So Thanks! God bless those who are struggling with the disease now. You are in our prayers!
These are some pictures of Doug's brother Rick, at Bear Lake and at lagoon.