Monday, July 20, 2009

Catarac Canyon. Yea a new post!

Doug and I had a big adventure this last June. We went down Catarac Canyon. It goes from Moab to Lake Powell. It was kind of slow for two days but when we hit the rapids on day three it was so worth it. We hit a rapid called Ben Hur, because if you hit it you "been hurt!!" It's a long story but I will never forget that wave of water coming at me. Doug will never forget the boat in front of us on top of that wave. He thought it was going to come down on top of us. I thought we were goner's! We managed to stay on the boat and everyone came out safely. Here are some of the pictures. We mostly went with complete strangers. We were invited by our good friends the Skalla's. Thanks Skalla's. It was a blast!